Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Bo at two

 Since I fell off the blog bandwagon for a year I thought it would be appropriate to do a little up date on the family. Sorry everyone else, you are very welcome aunts and uncle.

Let's start with the middle child shall we. 
Bo, bobo, and according to madilyn he is now Jordan. I took the time to explain to her that his name is actually Jordan Boyd and I guess she got the lesson.

So much for the middle child getting a story in first. 

Do you know the little saying that goes, the definition of a boy is noise with dirt on it? 
Well that is Bo, he is all boy. Nosiey, dirty, rough, and sweet.  Such a goof ball.

He gets so excited about the littlest things, it makes even the smallest task more exciting. "Bo do you want eggs for breakfast?" "Bo do you want to open the door for me?" " Do you want to eat dinner?" "Do you want to get out of your car seat?" All are met with a double fist pump and "YESHHHHH". 

He is a Houdini. He can get out of his car seat in less time than the time it takes me to shut his door and open mine. He can open all the doors and locks in the house. I've found him in the neighbors yard more than once. 
He is a climber. The piano, the cabinets, nothing is too high, or too challenging. This is also the boy that could get onto the kitchen counter before he could walk. So really this should not be a surprise to me. 

He loves to play with his sister. But he also ruins madilyn's life at least 8 times a day. On purpose. To the point where he is not even upset or surprised about time out. I am so excited for Tucker to be big enough to rough house with him.

Bo's current favorite pretend play is with the toy kitchen. He loves to help in the real kitchen too. Followed by doctor. He wears his fireman get up no matter what he is playing. 

Speaking of fireman costume, the first two night following his birthday he cried all night long in his sleep because he wanted to be wearing his hat. I did let him sleep in his jacket. He kept patting his head and asking for the hat. 

Although he is a boy's boy and all sorts of rough and tough Bo is the biggest mama's boy around. He would rather hold my hand than run ahead, climbs into my side of the bed every night at midnight, picks me flowers (weeds) from the yard, basically just wants to be close all the time. To be completely honest ist can be a little smothering at times. But most of the time I love to watch his little legs run towards me and give me a big raspberry on my face.
Speaking of raspberries, he thinks he is so funny and loves to laugh at himself if he can sneak one on anyone in the family. 

And what is a post about Bo without a mention of his shockingly high caloric intake.  5 eggs for breakfast. 4 oranges in one sitting. A jar of pickles in a day. I buy 12 gallons of milk a month. I make 6 loaves of bread a week. 2 pancakes and 2 eggs with sausage is his ideal breakfast.

To end this novel on a sappy note let me just say that writing this makes my heart all sorts of full. I am so grateful to be this wild boy's mom. He makes my days harder and happier all at the same time. 

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