Saturday, October 6, 2012

Still living the college life.

When we graduated and Jordan got a job we deiced that even though we had a real grownup paycheck that we wanted to continue living like college students for two years in order to put ourselves in a good financial situation in the future.  ( I realize that we bought a house so that might seem contradicting, but our mortgage is much cheaper than rent would be out here. Just for the record.) This means our mismatched couches were free, my desk was free, our lawn mower has completely dull blades but it was free, we do not have dinning room table we just eat standing up or on the couch, we don't own a TV (actually we decided we probably never will or at least never have cable), besides things that our built into our house like cabinets and shelving we either store stuff in boxes or something we already owned.

We are trying to live cheap and sometimes it is hard.

Funny conversation with Jordan:
Jordan-I think we should get two more laundry baskets
Tracie-Hm? why?
Jordan-well wouldn't it be nice if we had a place to put our dirty clothes and somewhere to put our clean clothes that don't really have a place in the closet?
Tracie-Wow, yeah that would be nice, I'll check the budget and see if I should pick some up

A few minutes later

Tracie- wait, don't most people just have a dresser for that kind of stuff?

Living the this way is really teaching me to not take the "finer" things in life for granted.

We did not buy the laundry baskets, I decided we did not need to live that cheaply to replace a dresser for baskets.
So I just found an extra box and stuck it in the closet.


  1. Boxes have many uses besides packing things. They also make good bedside tables :)


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