Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Pillow talk

Jordan talks in his sleep on nights that he is super tired.  Here are two of our "conversations" from the past couple of nights.

Last Thursday I had watched a really odd movie in class and it was giving me crazy dreams and I was having a hard time sleeping. So I decided to wake Jordan up and tell him.
Me: I am having strange dreams, will you talk to me for a second to help get my mind off of it.
Jordan: Sure, tell me about them first.
Me: Crazy diseases making us all sick and dying. (I elaborated much more for him)
He sits right up in bed and looks at me and asks- Was it on a Shaw drawing?
Me: um no?
Jordan: Tracie, nothing can happen that is not on an approved Shaw drawing, it's not on a drawing it's not going to happen go back to bed.

Can you tell what his life consists of? Looking at drawings.
He has no memory of this of course.

The next night.
Madilyn was teething and was up every few hours.
After getting up with her 4 times already and she is crying again I ask Jordan to take her this time.
His response- Tracie, will you please finish baking, I am not going anywhere till I eat my bacon.

Again, no memory of saying that or of Madilyn waking up crying 7 times that night.


  1. Hahaha oh my goodness! This was hilarious to read!!! We sure miss you guys!

  2. Haha poor jordan... jake does the same thing

  3. At least you know what's on Jordan's mind while he is sleeping: Shaw drawings and bacon.


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