Saturday, August 22, 2015

At least he didn't make a huge mess.

I nap every other day. My kids nap every single day. It how we survive. I try to wake up before my kids, but I know I've slept too long when I'm woken up by yell whispering in my ear. 116% of the time my kids find me before they venture down the hall. 
So when I woke up to silence I was sure I had woken up first. But then I heard little feet in the playroom. And before I panicked that someone was stealing the Dora puzzles I went to investigate. And found this. 

Bo. Bo dressed in all new clothes, including undies purchased during a failed attempt at potty training over his diaper, who had enjoyed playing with everything his placement in the pecking order does not allow for during madilyn's waking hours. 
And he was just peachy about it. 

His punishment? Chips and salsa with mom. 
And now being held to the standard of always dressing himself. Buttons and all. 

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