Monday, August 24, 2015

"That girl has an opinion on everything"

During my first year at BYU-Idaho I made friends with a guy named Noah in a foundations class. We sat next to each other for the semester, hung out a few times, and even went skiing with Molly and a guy I do not remember. We saw one and other on campus over the years and were always very friendly, boring, boring, boring, I got married and he transferred to Provo.

So now like 6 years later Molly calls me to tell me has ran into him in Provo and they went on a (horrible) date.  One of the opening lines of date was... ," How is Tracie, that girl had an opinion about everything?".  I laughed at the story and told Jordan. His response, " well if that does not sum you up I'm not sure what does."

I think there is a negative connotation with being someone who forms opinions and sometimes makes the choice to share where they stand. By no means do I think it's ever kind or remotely appropriate to force your opinion on someone. There is a growing issue with that in our society today. However, I think it's vital that we know where we stand on almost any issue, or at least know how to get to a point where are can make an informed opinion. 

It's good to have opinions, it means you have a mind that thinks.  And in my opinion, he could have used a better opening line.  Just Saying.

"There is something reassuring about standing for something, and knowing what we stand for." -Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley

You may not agree with me, but at the very least, you will understand that your differing opinion is wrong.
-Stephen Colbert

Unrelated baby picture/ your face after reading this pointless post

Saturday, August 22, 2015

At least he didn't make a huge mess.

I nap every other day. My kids nap every single day. It how we survive. I try to wake up before my kids, but I know I've slept too long when I'm woken up by yell whispering in my ear. 116% of the time my kids find me before they venture down the hall. 
So when I woke up to silence I was sure I had woken up first. But then I heard little feet in the playroom. And before I panicked that someone was stealing the Dora puzzles I went to investigate. And found this. 

Bo. Bo dressed in all new clothes, including undies purchased during a failed attempt at potty training over his diaper, who had enjoyed playing with everything his placement in the pecking order does not allow for during madilyn's waking hours. 
And he was just peachy about it. 

His punishment? Chips and salsa with mom. 
And now being held to the standard of always dressing himself. Buttons and all. 

Friday, August 21, 2015

The promise land.

In late 2016 Columbia SC will have everything Jordan and I consider essential to sustaining the Dickamore way of life. 

When Jordan and I knew we would be leaving idaho and getting back into construction we were trying to decide where geographically we wanted to be. We knew we needed the above three to support our lifestyle.  You know, the lifestyle of a growing Mormon family with flight benefits. 
We most assuredly did not think we would be coming back to South Carolina. We both were actually really interested in Philadelphia.   But as we were being drawn to Columbia we new it had our nĂºmero uno request, a temple. Oh and a job ha. 
So I'm just going to go out on a limb here and say that a Costco coming to our town is Heavenly Father's gift to the Dickamores for following his promptings to move here. Your are welcome Midlands, we are happy to share its beauty and almond butter with you. 
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