Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Survival mode.

In the past 33 months I have either been growing a child or physically providing a child with all of their nutrients. For 9 of those months I was doing both simultaneously. 

In the past 24 months I have changed roughly 7,482 diapers. 

I have not slept through the night in two years. 
I have not slept longer than 3 hours in the past nine months. 

I have gone to school part time during all of this. 

I still wake up at 5 and make Jordan a lunch every morning. 
Most mornings it takes a whole lot of self control not to throw his camelback at his head. 
But yet I do it cause it's the only time we get to talk without kids. 

I have 5 loads of laundry to fold. 
It's been sitting in my room for over a week. 

I still have 3 more loads to wash. 

My sink still has dishes from thanksgiving. 

I am tired. 

Today is madilyn's 2nd birthday, and I can't even imagine finding the energy to buy let alone make a cake. 

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