Sunday, February 24, 2013


So I am being induced in the morning. Naturally I cannot not sleep. As I am laying here it suddenly hits me how much it hurts to push a baby out of you. Somehow I must have forgotten. I know contractions hurt, and the whole process is really hard. But holy cow it really hurts to push. I turned to tell Jordan my sudden realization, reminding him of how long and hard it was to push for almost two hours with madilyn. His reaction? Yeah having to stand there and count to 10 over and over got really hard, I hope the nurse does more of that this time.
I try not to hold him accountable for the things he says when he is tired.


  1. This made me laugh out loud. With Ashlynn I woke up Austin when I was in labor and his response was, "How far apart are your contractions?" Me:"5 minutes." Him: "Wake me up when they're 4." And rolled over to go back to sleep.

  2. This is quite possibly my favorite thing I've read on your blog. Made me laugh. Nathan would probably say something similar when he's tired.

    Good luck with the little man! Can't wait to see pictures and hear about life with two!

  3. You are so amazing and you are such a great mom! I'm excited to see more pictures of Bo. I hope that everything goes well.


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