Saturday, January 5, 2013


We are now chicken farmers! The first weekend in December we went and got six laying hens.  Jordan and I built the coop during Madilyn's afternoon nap one Saturday.  We love them, madilyn loves looking out at them, and when they are all making noise when one is laying she gets noisy too.  We love getting fresh eggs, in the winter it is normal for them to lay every other day, so right now we get 3 eggs a day and in the spring we should be getting 6 a day.  We are *thinking* about getting some meat chickens in the spring too since they only take 8 weeks, but with a new baby and a crazy one year old we will to see. 

First Birthday

Madilyn's first birthday was on the 3rd of december.  We had a very low key but very fun day.  Dad came home from work early and we went and played at Hopeland Gardens.  She was so happy to be out with daddy.  Grandma Jo also took us out to lunch at our (my) favorite, Knobels! Yum. That night we had Jordan's parents over for dinner, cake, and presents.  We had Tom's enchiladas  which actually are a favorite of madilyn's.  Her presents were a nativity set, clothes, PJs, lots of books and puzzles, a baby doll, and a tractor. She was very loved by Jordan's parents and my side of the family.  Oh, she also got a front facing car seat from mom and dad, but that is not really exciting.  

Her last night as a true baby. 
 She was IN LOVE with her new carseat! 

 The owners at Knobels found out it was her birthday and gave her a cupcake. 
 These two are my favorite together! 
 Present time! she went right for Aunt Emily's first. 

 Super blurry, but obviously super excitied over her box of crackers. 

What can I saw, I love her little bum. 

She was wired from the cake and was going 100mph until almost midnight. 

Bedtime stories with dad. 

Loving her tractor from Great Grandma Bev. 

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