Monday, November 19, 2012

11 Months.

I meant to post this at the beginning of November and forgot, she is a year in just two weeks!

Madilyn is 11 months old now. yeah.
In just 30 days I will be the mom to a one year old.  yeah.
Oh, and by then I'll be about 7 months pregnant. A post about baby #2 will come at some point, but for now lets just let madilyn keep being the star of this blog.

For this whole past month she thought it would just be a great idea to stop sleeping through the night, and while she is at it, cut 4 teeth. Two at the same time, one a few days later and then apparently she is a fan of symmetry because the next one showed up just a week later.
After the teething was done, she then caught her first cold, which after a week turned into a double ear infection.  My poor girl.  She has had one rough month.  But the great thing is, other than the sleepless nights she was still her happy silly self for about 89% of the time.
UPDATE- she has still been sick ALL month, she is sleeping through the night for the most part but still has a horrible cough and a fever most of the day.
For being 11 months she is still my peite girl. She only weighs 19 pounds and STILL is wearing 6 month old clothes. Some moms talk about how their babies grow out of their clothes so fast and some outfits only get worn once or twice.  Not the case for madilyn, we have REALLY gotten our money's worth out of her clothes!  She is not starting to wear her 9 month old clothes, they are still baggy but she is growing out of a few of her 6 month old clothes just in the length part.

She is currently loving:
 standing on her own.
Trying to walk (she can take on step)-UPDATE she is now walking but prefers crawling.
Getting SUPER excited when I play 22 by t-swift.
Dancing to most other songs.
Opening and closing doors.
Shutting herself in cabinets.
Hiding from mom and making messes.
Playing peek-a-boo. But only when she is doing the hiding, which is often around a corner or using her blanket or laundry.
LOVES LOVES naptime and bedtime right now!

Don't you wish it was acceptable to fall asleep after stuffing yourself with a grilled cheese? 

Lots of trips to the doctor this month . 
 First time voting!

 Seriously gets so excited when we put her shoes on! She loves going out!

 FHE ice cream night!
Cuddles to wake up dad. 

1 comment:

  1. Honestly, yes, I would love to sleep after stuffing myself with a grilled cheese sandwich. She is such a cutie!!! :)


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