Thursday, October 4, 2012

Picnic at the temple

A couple of weeks ago Jordan and I had the opportunity to go to the temple TOGETHER for the first time since Madilyn was born.  Jordan's parents went to a morning session and we drove up to Columbia and met them as they were getting out of the temple, and they watched Madilyn while we were able to go to a session.  Oh how I missed being in the temple with Jordan.  I have been a few times since she was born on my own, which has always been wonderful, but in all honestly it is so much better to be in that very special place with your husband.
Anyways we knew it was going to be a long day for Madilyn so we decided to pack a lunch to have together before we went in.  It was a pretty sweet picnic lunch if I do say so myself.  We figured we would just sit in the car or grass and eat, but when we got there we found like seven or eight picnic tables on the temple grounds.  I have never been to a temple that have picnic tables before! It was a beautiful day out and it was so nice to have lunch while being able to see the beautiful temple.
Daddy and baby both way more interested in the food than the picture. 

 Columbia, SC temple.  
Not the best picture, but it was our view from the table. 

 Her favorite part of the trip, eating her first orange. Peel and all. 

1 comment:

  1. When I was in YW's a service project was clearing out that area for the picnic tables. People use them all the time b/c driving 2+ hrs to the temple leaves people hungry. LOL! ;) Paul and I are going to the temple TOGETHER today too. We haven't gone together in about a year so I'm super excited!! =o) So glad you two were able to get there together. So much more fun that way. ;)


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